Isagenix Millionaire Stars in Weight Loss Solutions Video

Heidi Macallan, 8 Star Platinum Isagenix Associate, shows what is possible in both business development and weight loss with Isagenix.

In network marketing, a powerful advertising tool can mean the difference between breaking even and massive profits. Isagenix is easy to sell with its quality products and powerful cleanse programs, but there are sometimes days when it can feel tough to reach new audiences. An effective marketing video is an MLM goldmine: it packages the best aspects of the company in a short, slick presentation and is easy to share with thousands of followers.

Heidi Macallan Isagenix MillionaireThat’s why it’s so exciting that Isagenix premiered a new Weight Loss Solutions video at their Summer Kick Off event. In it, they profile a bona fide Isagenix Millionaire: Heidi Macallan. Heidi started her Isagenix journey with weight loss products and supplements; she experienced consistent weight loss and increased energy levels. After reaching her fitness goals, she realised the power of Isagenix products and became an Isagenix distributor. Since launching her business, she has achieved the rank of 8 Star Platinum, 4 Star Executive, and is a top entrepreneur in Australia and New Zealand. Heidi is a daily example of all that’s possible with Isagenix.

So how can you use this new marketing tool to your advantage?

  1. Share it with your followers – Passing along a video to your Facebook and Twitter followers takes less than a minute and can pay huge dividends in overall sales and profit. Package the video with an action-packed caption: “Isagenix can turn you into a millionaire and a fitness model! Here’s one woman’s story.” Capture the attention of your followers and ensure that they click through to the video.
  2. Make it a central component of your sales pitch – Every time you present Isagenix to a potential customer, you rely on a first impression to carry you through to a sale or new team member. Incorporating Heidi Macallan’s powerful video will raise the profile of your presentation and lead to increased sales and a stronger business.
  3. Create your own video – Heidi isn’t the only Isagenix success story. Consider filming a video describing your Isagenix journey and the physical and financial benefits that you’ve experienced. It doesn’t have to be an Oscar-winning production, but a personal presentation like this will go a long way towards turning potential customers into regular clients.

Please ensure any videos you make yourself (and the sharing of them) is 100% compliant!


