Isagenix Reviews

Since its founding in 2002, Isagenix has spread in popularity across the world with users raving about its health properties and business opportunities. However, you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are Isagenix reviews and testimonials from real customers and distributors:

Sensational Weight Loss Isagenix Reviews

After 20 years of trying to lose weight on a variety of diets, Breanna turned to Isagenix and lost 9kg during her first 30-day cleanse.

“I couldn’t believe my weight. Every kg I had lost up to then had been fought for, and for this to just drop off my body, I thought ‘This is crazy.’

“For me, it’s a way to keep my life under control. A cleanse is something I know is so good for my body, and I think, ‘Bye-bye toxins.’ It’s a blessing for me because weight loss is something I’ve always struggled with, and now I have power and control.”

Larry, a health club owner, struggled with his weight and health problems since childhood. Once he started using Isagenix, he saw immediate success; he has lost 29.4kg since his first 30-day program.

“At first, my expectations were low. There are plenty of products out there. However, once I tried Isagenix, my initial results far exceeded my expectations. We were impressed that the nutrition was the cornerstone of Isagenix. It’s hard to dispute facts and the fact is Isagenix is good nutrition!

“In the first month, I lost 7.7kg and just felt great. After 6 months, the weight kept peeling off and my energy soared.”

Despite a great marriage and family, Kathy was dissatisfied with her life because of her health and weight. Kathy started using Isagenix products and completed three 30-day Isagenix programs. She has taken control of her health and lost more than 18.1kg.

“My life prior to Isagenix was happy because I have a great marriage, but I was still miserable with myself. I was tired, always stressing about what I was eating, my husband and I most definitely watched too much TV.

“I am inspired by every single person who smiles a real heartfelt smile, and feels better about themselves as a result of their experience with Isagenix.”

Isagenix Million-Dollar Profits

Bonnie was one of the earliest users of Isagenix, starting on a weight loss program in 2002. She is also one of the most successful Isagenix distributors, having earned more than a million dollars since starting her own Isagenix business.

“As the great Jim Rohn said, ‘I worked full time on my job and part time on my fortune.’ I dedicated a minimum of 10 hours a week and within about 16 months, replaced the income from my full-time job.

“Like everybody, I experienced ups and downs, frustrations and discouragement along the way. What kept me going was my strong belief and passion for the lifestyle that network marketing offers and knowing absolutely that this company would not let me down.”

Like Bonnie, Philip joined Isagenix in 2002. After years of searching for the right network marketing opportunity, Philip realized that Isagenix offered the best chance for building a successful business. He is an Isagenix millionaire and loves the freedom provided by running his own business.

“…I make more money in one day than I did working a week in my previous job.

“Failure is not an option. My decision to build my Isagenix business allowed me to travel the country for two months visiting family and friends and that’s something you can’t put a price tag on… You don’t have to be an expert. If people think they have to know everything about Isagenix to do this business, then they’ll feel that they can’t do it. Just never ever give up.”

After having six kids in seven years, Cindy was inspired to lose weight and started using Isagenix. However, weight loss was not the only benefit that Isagenix brought to her life. Cindy is an Isagenix millionaire and used her profits to build a dream home for her family.

“I was able to work through my fear and hesitation because I truly care about other people. I forgot about myself and focused on the people I was helping.

“Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.”

Isagenix Athletic Achievements

Jana, a track and field athlete from New South Wales, uses Isagenix over any other health product on the market. She’s currently training for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and Isagenix is a major component of her diet and training regimen.

“I’ve tried every product on the market and nothing tastes as good as Isagenix. Since Isagenix, my weight is more stable, my moods are more stable and I’m feeling healthier than ever!”

JJ, a former professional athlete, spent nine years in the National Football League as a wide receiver. He has been an Isagenix distributor since 2007, and his thriving network marketing business allows him to live the lifestyle he experienced while playing professional football.
“The compensation plan is great. People can make great money up front and residual commissions kick in quickly after building your team. It’s amazing!

“Isagenix is the full package. They have been doing it right from day one and continue to do so. I don’t believe there is a more solid network marketing opportunity out there today.”

Neil is a 31-year old distance runner from Sydney. He has been running competitively since high school but only started seeing outstanding results after committing to an Isagenix program. Since then, he’s set personal records in several races and can’t imagine life without Isagenix.

“Since being on Isagenix I’ve recorded personal best times in 1500m, 5000m, 10000m, 10km, 12km and 14km which has been incredible. I decided to do a 30-Day System to support some of my friends from work; I couldn’t believe it when I lost another couple of kilos. I’ve gone from 71kg to 66kg. Isagenix is now a permanent fixture in my routine. I’m always looking for ways to improve and it’s very exciting that new products are coming out all the time.”